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Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing utilises a breadth and depth of energetic frequencies to enhance the resources and energy of a person on their path through life.  As everything in the body occurs out of, and relies on energy, interacting with the fully comprehensive Reconnective Healing spectrum of frequencies, energises and inspires a return to a more optimal state of balance. 


Said to transcend traditional energy healing techniques, bringing in a different bandwidth of vibration, Reconnective Healing supports the person to move to the next stage of their process.  Being neither a therapy nor a treatment, this energy inspires CHANGE, bringing in the potential  to achieve so much more than physical benefits.


When a person interacts with the Reconnective Healing frequencies with no expectations, the energies can mingle with the intelligence of the being, to bring about what they need most to move forward.   What follows can be quite remarkable for each person.


Following a session, the energies continue to work for weeks, months, even years, following the session, bringing about change and an acceleration of their life process in often unexpected ways. The most important thing is to hold no expectations, but to observe what unfolds going forward.


People worldwide have reported experiencing healing, for some it was instantaneous, and for others it came about as a gradual unfolding through the weeks and months following the sessions.  Each person's experience is personal and unique.


This energy meets a person wherever they are at, making it their starting point, and  as the energy moves through and within them, permeating their life energies, it seems to bring through understandings and insights that help them move more freely toward where they need to go on their journey of healing and learning.




The Science


While science continues to explore how it works, Reconnective Healing has been confirmed and documented in dozens of international studies. When Reconnective Healing Frequencies interweave with our energy body, we begin to emit a higher frequency of energy, vibrate at a higher density of light (photons). In this manner, RH has been shown to measurably restructure our DNA, resulting in the emission of sustainable higher levels of bio-photonic energy, as the molecules and atoms are altered.


Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. William Tiller says that when the Reconnective Healing Frequencies are introduced, a coherence and order is created within the atoms and photons of the body and the surrounding field. In other words, greater harmony and balance occurs within us.  It seems to impart a dynamic level of energy which is alive with the language of these new higher frequencies that we now have access to and the body responds by raising its own vibration into a healthier and more attuned alignment with these frequencies.


Scientific research has measured the energy shift when the Reconnective Healing Frequencies are being transferred and begin to entrain with the body’s field, as they measurably raise the vibration and change the cellular dynamic within the body.  


In the US, doctors and medical researchers at hospitals and universities have shown great interest in these energies, with research being undertaken at Jackson Memorial Hospital, UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the VA Hospital, University of Minnesota, University of Miami Medical School and the University of Arizona.

Numerous conditions, from serious to minor, have been reviewed as they respond to these frequencies, with the effects studied before, during and after exposure to these frequencies.  Studies have been done with patients suffering with cancer, AIDS, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular and skeletal problems, epilepsy, arthritis, chronic fatigue, migraines and allergies, with measurable improvements in their results.

On an emotional and psychological level, people who were suffering with depression and anxiety reported an improved positive outlook on life, they felt happier, calmer, more relaxed, empowered and in control after, and in the weeks following their session. Stress levels measurably decreased and they felt they gained a deeper sense of composure, inner clarity, and peace.


Exactly how it works, they cannot say, but the scientific evidence highlights its positive effects on human health and wellbeing.  At the 2010 ISSSEEM conference, research was presented from published studies in Reconnective Healing™ conducted by Professor Ann Baldwin, Gary Schwartz and Doug De Vito. 


In this research, Reconnective Healing™ was shown to be viable, measurable and documentable in numerous independent measurements. It was also shown to be different than energy healing as we have known it, and when practicing the work, both the practitioner and the client/patient were found to go into dramatically enhanced healing states.


Although people have noticed great shifts in just one session, three sessions are recommended in order to fully build on each exposure.  The sessions are not about treating a particular condition or ‘diagnosis’, they are simply an attunement to the higher frequencies.  After that, by letting go of all expectation and judgement, the sessions are free to expand you, allowing you to see what happens in your life and your body in the weeks that follow your three sessions. Even long after the sessions, the energies have been shown to remain high with the person.


These healing frequencies have a more comprehensive bandwidth than what has ever been accessible on Earth before. Science calls this bandwidth the “Reconnective Healing Spectrum”.  These new spectrum of healing frequencies consist of ENERGY, LIGHT and INFORMATION that seem to stimulate the removal of blockages in your body, activating the body’s ability to self-regulate, restore and balance itself from within.


We come into this world, it seems, carrying certain predispositions and vulnerabilities (energetic, genetic and epigenetic characteristics) that increase the likelihood of contracting certain diseases. In this 'new energy' - this time of change in our personal and collective evolution - we have the opportunity to potentially alter the direction our health takes.


A healing session or three will give you the opportunity to see/feel the light; to recognise another state of being, a state of ease. Then it's up to you to maintain that feeling, to accept it as 'you' and carry on. Healing can be instant and total or it can be instant and partial and all of these possibilities are available depending on how ready you are to ‘let go’ of everything that doesn’t serve you, including the timing of a healing outcome.


Integrative Research & Insights


Integrative medicine is the medicine of the 21st century - it is a hot topic worldwide. Integrative medicine is the harmonious integration of medical treatments and other 'non-medical’ based therapies known as Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM).


CAM has been available to the public for centuries. Modalities incorporated under this umbrella are plentiful ranging from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage and dietary therapy, and reiki, to the latest evolutionary energy-spectrum infusion known as Reconnective Healing.


It is misleading to think CAM and indeed Reconnective Healing are not based upon research. Journals, scientific papers and books confirm the effectiveness of CAM in healthcare.  In particular, Dr. Eric Pearl’s work with Reconnective Healing Energies, has been studied extensively and many scientists now authenticate the benefits that arise out of Reconnective Healing ® sessions.


The health-enhancing effects of Reconnective Healing is well documented, with both subjective and therapeutic values measured, as the benefits are becoming increasingly recognised by both patients and medical practitioners. 


Leading scientists such as Dr. Gary Schwartz, Dr. William A Tiller and Dr. Korotkov have published interesting articles and journals on this subject. Universities, hospitals, doctors, medical researchers and PhD students all over the world have contributed to the research and a documentary / film has been released called, ‘The Living Matrix’ – a scientific documentary on the new science of healing.


Of particular interest is the effect Reconnective Healing has on water.  During an experiment conducted by Dr. Gary Schwartz / Dr. Korotkov, it was discovered how the properties in water changed under the influence of Reconnective Healing, compared with the control sample where no effects were detected.


Considering the average human body is made of 70-80% water, this may tell us about the mechanism of Reconnective Healing’s influence on body physiology.


Further study of the body’s energy changes in this system of non-touch energy healing has been undertaken by CIHS - California Institute for Human Science.  The aim of this research was to study the body’s energy changes in non-touch healing for the purpose of determining if Reconnective Healing could induce changes to the Qi-energy levels in the body, and if detectable, establish the characteristics of those changes in the context of the healing provided.


Case Study - Post Cardiac Surgery


In this research / study, a 74 year old male was the subject with the following symptoms/condition:

  • After cardiac surgery, a 74 year old male subject became emaciated and unable to walk.

  • At the time of this study, the subject undertook a rehabilitation program, but was still unable to walk.

  • As a result of the above conditions, the subject had to rely on a walking frame to get around. 

  • At the time of this study, the subject was also diagnosed with a benign tumour.

  • The subject received three Reconnective healing sessions


During the study/research an AMI (Apparatus for Meridian Identification) was used, the SSVP (Single Square Voltage Pulse) was measured before and after each session, measuring the energy field of the human body. Measurements prior to the Reconnective Healing sessions revealed a significant energy imbalance between the lower and upper regions of the body.  This related to the symptoms highlighted above.


After three Reconnective Healing sessions, the measured imbalance was notably improved, with more balance in the distribution of energy between the upper and lower body.   Following the third session, the subject was able to stand and  walk unaided, with significant improvements in balance, strength and stamina. 


(For more information and diagrams of the specific measures, please refer to the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) website for this study.)

Eric Pearl & The Reconnection Team


Dr Eric Pearl,  a busy Los Angeles chiropractor before discovering Reconnective Healing, is the founder of this professional healing system, brought here now to help bring in planetary evolution and healing. 


One day after experiencing his own activation, his patients began to report healings when he held his hands near them, they felt touched and worked on without him actually touching them. So, he went in search of the universal wisdom behind what was happening.

The Reconnection Website is here.

Research Professor Dr Gary Schwartz shares parts of his energy healing research. (11 mins)

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