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Stress &

Adrenal Fatigue

Stress & the Adrenals

Stress, adrenal fatigue and exhaustion are some of the most under diagnosed illnesses facing western society. It has been estimated that 80% of adults suffer some sort of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue, also known as hypoadrenia, is a dysfunction of the adrenal glands ultimately resulting in diminished production of adrenal hormones which adversely affects your physiology and health. This can affect a person's stress threshold, resiliency, immunity and performance detrimental in a number of ways. 

The most common signs of adrenal fatigue include:

  • continued fatigue

  • exhaustion

  • trouble sleeping

  • trouble getting out of bed

  • decreased sex drive

  • dysglycemia

  • depression, anxiety

  • sugar and/or salt cravings

  • weight gain and inability to lose weight

  • increased effort to do everyday tasks

  • decreased ability to handle stress

  • poor memory

  • light headed when standing up

  • low body temperature

  • more prone to colds and flu

  • palpitations

  • nervousness

  • less tolerance to stress


As a result of decreased adrenal function people with adrenal fatigue frequently also suffer from

  • hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels)

  • allergies

  • arthritic pain

  • low immune response

  • increased menstrual problems, PMS

  • menopausal symptoms


Adrenal fatigue is caused by stress whether it be emotional, mental or physical stress. Energetically it can be due to giving your power away to others or to ideals and/or beliefs which creates stress in your life.  If you say yes to anyone even though you really do not want to is giving your power away to others. Whenever you do anything you feel that is not right or true for you, but do it anyway, is giving your power away. There may be many areas in your life that you may be doing this however it takes a great deal of self honesty to recognise and accept in what areas you are doing it. Everyt ime you give your power away you leak kidney energy (TCM concept) which is needed to fuel your adrenals. A couple of common examples of giving your power away to an ideal or belief could include men working too long and too hard to be a "good" provider at their own, and ultimately their families, expense is an ideal they often try to live up to, while women tend to sacrifice themselves for their children in order to be seen as a "good" mother which eventually harms them and their children eventually anyway.

Doing things that you know are not good for you also contributes towards adrenal issues as you are not honouring your body and in complete disregard of yourself. This could include eating foods you know are not good for you, drinking too much, taking drugs, smoking, going to bed late, not getting adequate rest and relaxation, etc, etc. This kind of disregard of oneself will physically manifest as "poisons" in your physiology that will physically affect your adrenal glands contributing further towards adrenal problems. These could include: heavy metals, pathogens such as viral, bacterial or fungal infections, parasites, allergens, toxins, etc. It is a good idea to test for these and if found to be present need to be eradicated in order to allow your adrenals to repair.

Unfortunately modern medicine does not recognise adrenal exhaustion as a distinct syndrome, only recognising its most severe form being Addison's disease. Unfortunately this attitude contributes towards many unnecessary health problems for many adrenal sufferers whom are unable to access the necessary treatment. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is a fully recognisable condition which can be healed. The first step is to find a sympathetic practitioner who will order the necessary hormone tests in order to properly diagnose this condition. The reason testing is so important is that other conditions such as hypothyroid, sex hormone imbalances, etc, all share very similar symptoms so an accurate diagnosis will ensure the appropriate treatment. In addition adrenal issues can cause thyroid and sex hormone imbalances which may also need to be addressed for a more complete treatment programme.

Functional Testing 

Functional Testing offers us insight into your physiological and functional health, allowing us to identify change early, long before 'disease' level dysfunctions occur.  We are seeking to maximise health and wellness, reviewing test results from a functional, rather than pathological perspective.


We may resource Bio-energtetic testing methods, Functional Pathology Lab Testing,and general lab test results through your GP as part of your evaluation and progress reviews.

Adrenal Hormone Salivary Testing


Each person has two adrenal glands both located on top of each of the body’s two kidneys. These glands are important to the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system. Adrenal fatigue is a very common condition in today’s society through the physical and physiological demands we put on our adrenal glands. Each gland is composed of two distinct zones, the large outer cortex and the inner medulla.


The Adrenocortex stress profile extensive is an expansion of the Adrenocortex basic test in the sense that it includes SigA levels. Salivary cortisol testing is the most accurate and powerful non-invasive salivary hormone test that evaluates bioactive levels of the body’s important stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA. This hormone test (stress test) serves as a critical tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, obesity, dysglycemia, and a host of other clinical conditions that may affect our day to day lives.


This hormone test examines 4 saliva samples over a 12-hour period for levels of cortisol DHEA and SigA. The adrenocortex extensive test is a very useful tool for people who suffer with a weak immune system and susceptible to frequently catching the flu.


Among the studies on the effect of academic stress on slgA secretion, two kinds of stress effects were identified : the immediate stress effect which increases slgA secretion immediately after stress, and the delayed stress effect which decreases secretory IgA secretion for several days following stress. Secretory IgA measured in saliva can be a useful stress marker.


Testing can highlight the extent of adrenal fatigue and can guide treatment.


 Common Conditions related to adrenal fatigue :

  • Anxiety

  • Headaches

  • Poor concentration, ‘brain fog’

  • Energy levels

  • Fatigue, lethargy

  • Salt cravings

  • Mild depression

  • Lack of stamina

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Irregular sleeping patterns

  • Thyroid dysfunction

  • Blood Pressure

  • Depression

  • Impaired Immune System



Samples taken (1002) :

  1. DHEA 6:00-8:00am 

  2. Cortisol 6:00-8:00am

  3. Cortisol 12:00pm

  4. Cortisol 4:00pm

  5. Cortisol 8:00pm

  6. Secretory IgA

Stress & Cardiovascular Risk

When stress goes up, so does cholesterol, it is functionally required by the adrenals. Knowing if an elevated cholesterol is the dangerous type (atherogenic), helps us evaluate the elevation and evaluate whether it needs treating or not. 


Cholesterol Subfractions (4028)

Liposcreen separates and quantifies all lipoprotein sub-fractions including the ‘large’, less atherogenic LDL-1 and LDL-2 and the ‘small’, highly atherogenic LDL-3 to LDL-7.   The test also measures VLDL and IDL cholesterol linked with type III dyslipidaemia and associated hyperlipoproteinaemias.


Approximately 50% of patients without heart attack have higher cholesterol levels. A considerable portion of heart attack patients have low cholesterol levels.

Individual differences exist in particular with respect to the LDL levels and here, even more importantly, in the size distribution of the LDL particles. The small LDL particles in particular have a very high atherogenic potential. Therefore, it is less important how much cholesterol a patient has but which type of cholesterol is elevated and which size distribution the cholesterol particles have. These are the parameters the risk assessment and therapy depend on.

  • Cholesterol

  • Triglycerides

  • HDL - High Density Lipoprotein

  • LDL - Low Density Lipoprotein

  • VLDL - Very Low Density Lipoprotein 

  • IDL -

  • LDL subfractions (x7)

  • Particle Size

Cardiovascular Profile Comprehensive 2 (4027) 


Being one of the leading causes of death worldwide, more years of potential life before the age of 75 are lost due to cardiovascular disease than any other human condition. Fortunately, over the past thirty years significant progress has been made in the areas of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of CVD. One of the most critical advances has been the identification of the major risk factors for CVD which arose from studies such as the Framingham Heart Study and the Seven Countries Study.


The conventional risk factors for CVD include hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and low HDL cholesterol. However, in an individual the presence of only one of these factors has a low positive predictive value. Furthermore, a significant number of cardiovascular events still occur in individuals without these established risk indicators. At present, the most advanced strategy for coronary risk assessment is therefore to combine the information of several risk factors. This multi-marker approach can enhance risk stratification, identifying those individuals with a moderate baseline risk who might benefit from aggressive risk reduction strategies. Not only are conventional risk factors assessed, but other CVD biomarkers such as lipoprotein (a), apolipoproteins A & B, homocysteine, fibrinogen and C-reactive protein (CRP) are included.


The Comprehensive 2 option for the Cardiovascular Profile includes Liposcreen LDL-Subfraction analytes. Liposcreen separates and quantifies all lipoprotein sub-fractions including the ‘large’, less atherogenic LDL-1 and LDL-2 and the ‘small’, highly atherogenic LDL-3 to LDL-7. The test also measures VLDL and IDL cholesterol linked with type III dyslipidaemia and associated hyperlipoproteinaemias.


Common related conditions:

  • Hypercholesterolemia

  • Insulin resistance

  • Diabetes

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Statin therapy


Tested :

  • Triglycerides

  • HDL

  • LDL

  • ratios

  • VLDL

  • IDL

  • LDL Subfractions (x7)

  • Fasting Glucose

  • Lipoprotein (a)

  • Apolipoproteins A & B

  • Homocysteine

  • Fibrinogen

  • C-reactive protein (CRP).

Personalised Health Care

Each person is unique, with their own particular lifestyle factors, health history, epi-genetic characteristics and treatment needs. We regard each person as an individual, and aim work with you to identify the causative and sustaining factors in your current experience, and what you need to move forward in the most efficient and effective way for you. 


Call us to discuss your needs, or email us below.  

Monica Williams  0409 188 173

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WEBSITE DISCLAIMER : Please note that everything on this website is based on MY OPINION, and my personal experience, and research interpreted through my personal value system. Nothing here is intended to represent diagnostic information or 'disease' treatment. All information is presented as educative musings, not science-based or medical indoctrination.  We believe that the body self-heals when supported optimally. We make no claims, medical or otherwise, and we are not a substitute for medical care. Always see your medical professional for personalised advice.

© 2020 Healthier By Choice. 

The information on this website are the personal musings of the owner, and do not constitute medical advice.

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